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时间:2024-03-08 14:31:13 书信 我要投稿





  Dear Yanglang,I’m really miss you , we can’t see about three months . Are you ok? I hope you happy every day.

  We have eight classes everyday , and only two classes are not english , another classes is listening , reading , speaking and writing english . Some people think it is boring in the classes , but i think this is very enjoyable .

  I love my life now . Because i always feel fulfilled all day . I am so busy that i can’t play ping-pong . I think it is my desire to enjoy life.

  I want to travel to mountain hua . Three years ago i went there , but don’t go to the top , so i must go there when i have free time.

  Take care yourself!

  Love young!



Dear Dad:


  I suddenly felt the time to fall, I have a fear of pain, because of the need to apply iodine in the wound. But in the rub iodine at the same time, also have a warm, becausefromexperience to your love for me.

  One day, when I was training early net wrapped, fell, which fell on the small maze day before wound bleeding again. Come home, I say to you: "today I am too miserable, and chat with my classmates in the net side, tripped and fell." I rolled up my sleeves, "you see, it's not very painful, but the joints are not easy to heal." You frowned, said: "we must wipe iodine." "Ah! No Wipe iodine very painful! I don't wipe it! " I'm a little bit nervous. "Do not wipe also have to wipe, wipe the healing of the wound is helpful." Looking at your serious expression, I was a little scared and had to compromise.

  After a while, you brought a bottle of iodine and a bag of cotton. You open the lid of the iodine bottle, with a cotton swab dipped inside, wipe back and forth in my wound. After a stab of pain, it was finally calm. A few days later, the wound healed.

  Later I knew that if the injured part was not cleaned in time, the wound would become thicker and that would be dangerous. I suddenly feel that you give me when I apply iodine is how happy, although the pain in the body, but warm in my heart.



  Your son:


  商务英语书信(Business or Commercial English Correspondence)是指交易时所使用的通信。在美国,常用Business writing,它包括书信、电报、电话、电传、报告书、明信片等。英语和美语在书信体例方面存在着一定的差异,比如信头和称呼、书信格式、遣词、结尾客套语等均有所不同。

  一般来说,英国书信较为保守,许多英国人喜欢用老式书信体,用词较为正式刻板,而美国书信语言非常生气、有活力,格式也较为简便。因此当我们写信的对象是英国或其旧殖民地国家时,要使用标准式英语Queen’s English;如果写信的对象是美国或美国势力范围的地区时,就要用美国英语。当然,英国式的语言文化近年来也有变化,但总体来说,两者间的差异是很明显的。

  商业英文书信,一般都要求用打字机或电脑整齐地打印,左边各行开头垂直的,称为垂直式或齐头式(Block style),美国常用这种格式;每段的第一个词缩进去,称为缩进式或锯齿式(indented style),英国常用此格式。垂直式的职务及签名都在左边的边栏界线,这种格式,在极度尊重工作效率的.美国公司,已普遍采用。正式的商业英语书信要在称呼的上方写上收信公司名称和地址或收信人的名字全称、职务及地址,称为信内地址(Inside address)。信内地址的写法也有垂直式和缩进式之分,垂直式和称美国式将各行并列,缩进式或称英国式将各行依次退缩。

  不过,近来英国商业书信信内地址并未依次缩进,似乎与美国式相同。此外,在美国还流行一种普通收信人地址的写法,就是在书信的Inside Address中,把门牌号和街名都省略掉。在英文书信中要使用敬语,最普遍的敬语是Mr, Mrs和Miss(用于未婚女性)。英国人常在男性的姓名之后用Esq. (Esquire的缩写),不过在商业上也在慢慢地改用Mr. Mmes. (Madam的复数形式),用于二个女士以上。Messrs(Mr的复数形式)用于二个以上的男人,或用于二个以上的男人组成的公司或团体。在英国式英文信里,Mr, Mrs, Messrs,均不加缩写句点,相反地趋向于进步自由的美语反而加缩写句点如Mr., Mrs., Messrs.。在称呼方面,商业上最普遍的有Gentlemen(美国式)与Dear Sirs(英国式)二种,相当于我国的"敬启者"或"谨启者"。如果信是写给革个公司单位的,不是写给某个具体人的,美语用Gentlemen(复数形式),英语用Dear Sirs。如果对方公司只一人时,必须使用Sir/Dear Sir。称呼后一般要使用标点符号,英国式采用逗号(comma),美国式用分号(colon)。书信结尾客套语(complimentary close)有多种,相当于我国书信在结尾时使用的"敬礼"、"致敬"、"顺安"等句。最为典型的美国式写法是Sincerely和Best regards,典型的英国式表达有Yours sincerely(熟人或知道对方姓名),Best wishes, kind regards 和yours faithfully(不知姓名)。此外,英国式的客套语还有特别礼貌的格式,但除了特殊情况外,现在不再使用。


  Dear Jane,How is everything going on? I am your best friend-lihua.I'm wanting to tell you something about English speech.

  What's more, I heard that is give me suggestions about English speech, so I am successful so lucky that I gain champion . it's important to me. Thank you.

  I'm glad that I shouldn't miss you. It's such a good meet and opportunity to me.

  your these suggestions would be helpful to me, my success no leave you. hope to hear this,which you has a good time.

  Thank you very much, if you no give me .my success no leave you.hope to keep in touch in the future.

  I'm looking forward to your reply.

  Best wishes!

  yours sincerely,Lihua









